Current Initiatives

Collection Boxes

With our local community’s help, we have been placing collection boxes in foot-trafficked areas for single-use plastic bags. Our goal is to prevent previously used plastics from reaching landfills and replacing them with ecologically sustainable alternatives.


Mealworm Farm

We currently have one mealworm farm location to biodegrade polyethylene into natural, compostable material. We feed them a balanced diet of plastic and vegetable scraps.

Future Initiatives

Neo-Plastic Creation

We aim to begin biodegradable neo-plastic production by the end of 2022. We are still in the building and conceptual phase for this portion of the cycle, and aim to close the loop as soon as we can.


Community Education

In the future, we will offer classroom materials for schools and community centers to inspire the next generation. We also aim to teach crafting classes and construction classes about MealCycling.